Flower spider on mint blossom
and other creatures

Zygometis lactea: flower spider

The mint has almost finished flowering, which is good as then I can cut it all back. I’ve never let it get all long and scraggly before, but there were so many insects enjoying it that I didn’t have the heart to trim it.

The other day, I spotted this tiny white spider. Googling has revealed it to be a Flower Spider.

Flower spider on mint blossom

Flower spider on mint blossom (Nikon D3000)


Today, my thoughts are with my good friend and cousin, Sue. Her mum will be laid to rest this afternoon. I have never met Sue, in person, but we email each other fairly constantly since we met through family history research, as well as chatting here in comments.  Sue, deepest sympathy to you and yours.  ❤



9 thoughts on “Zygometis lactea: flower spider

  1. sue says:

    Thank you Christine. It was a lovely send off, very quiet, but just what she wanted. Feeling rather flat now that it’s all over, but that’s to be expected. She was a great mum and we didn’t think about all the things she had achieved until we started writing them down for the eulogies. She was our mum and they were just part of her. I appreciate your thoughts and kind regards. Love Sue

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  2. Spider is all yours Christine. I don’t hate them and am not afraid of them but they don’t appeal to me at all.
    Days will get better Sue. Memories are a great healing tool. All the best to you and your family for the future. Effy

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