Other Stuff

On my walk: Kangaroos

The car is in getting serviced today.  I thought it would be nice to walk home with the husband, the dog and the Nikon D3000 camera. I was right.

Featured image: We were treated to a warbling magpie serenade

I had hoped to take photos of the plovers down that part of town, but the light was not that good. It had just gone 7:30am. We finish Daylight Saving time soon, thank goodness.

kangaroo grazing near an enclosed vegetable garden

Growing vegetables is difficult in this area. These people have fencing to keep out the kangaroos, and netting to keep off the birds. There were two smaller kangaroos in their front yard, but they nicked off.


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morning sun on the range, halway home

Morning on the range, about halfway home


Only a block from home, we arrive at the vacant bit of land not far from the the footbridge. Always sure to find a kangaroo or two grazing there.


watching kangaroo

Look at the thickness of that tail, and the chest muscles!


two bounding kangaroos, plus one

I love the way the kangaroo in the middle hasn’t noticed anything …


two bounding kangaroos plus one

… still oblivious (yes, those are shipping containers in the background)


Have a nice day.   🙂





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