This walk was Sunday, 21st June, 2020. First off, we headed down Joe’s Road,  checking where the cows were, and hoped for kangaroos. Both were having an afternoon snooze.


The first destination is Barri’s Lane which runs along the hill top, among the trees.

hill_barry's lane.jpg

A White-plumed Honeyeater on our right …


A quick glimpse of a bird of prey on high – a wedge-tailed eagle, perhaps.




And up bit further up, kangaroos on our left…


We turn into Barri’s Lane – both named after Joseph Barri, an early Italian settler. Lots of photos today.

We disturbed two ‘roos.



This is one of the popular places they use to exit the paddock, revealed by a beaten path.


I’m sure that’s the same cockatoo as usual, doing a fly-by.


A bit further up, spot a pair of grey birds : the Grey Shrike-thrush.



And then we exit Barri’s Lane into Shorts Lane, where the view opens with the farm that has the alpacas. There they are, two spots near the middle.


We turn right into Shorts Lane and make our way into the forest, where, on the edge, I spot a Noisy Miner.



The forest is quite dark, so there wasn’t much to be seen as we traipsed through it. This is looking back towards Barris Lane, on the other side of the vineyard. That’s the range in front of our place.


A short walk through forest and we soon were back on Joe’s Road. We head for home. A cheeky, but elusive,  Willy Wagtail comes some of the way.


This time, the kangaroos are right in among the scrubby trees. They just watch.



And then, as we pass the wood-cutter’s yard, I can’t believe my eyes…


Yes, a fox!


He soon scarpers, and I wish the light was better. And my finger was quicker.


The excitement of seeing a fox didn’t stop me from taking another photos of the cows. A very eventful 3 km walk, and I’m glad I’d lugged the Nikon D3000 with me.


Thanks for accompanying me.





Wednesday Walk

A long walk


4 thoughts on “A long walk

  1. Terrific day, CJ ! – lovely photos. 🙂
    Chic and I used to refer to the noisies as “waark-birds”. Rhymes with ark. Why ? – I have no idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sue says:

    Beautiful pictures again Christine, love the one with the rusty fence and gate. In Kingsbury, Victoria we used to have the Indian Minah’s and in South Australia we have the Noisy Minah’s. The Indian Minah was much noisier than it’s cousin and more evil looking.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sue says:

    Apparently they are a pest. But I don’t know if that is actually the case, they seem to like to live close to humans. They say that they have negative affect on the local birds, but I think we do that more than other animals and birds do. We clear out nesting areas and native plants that the native birds feed on.

    Liked by 1 person

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